Town of Sharon Community Education (Sharon, MA) - "A Personal Conversation in Mrs. Washington's Bedchamber".
Rehabilitation Associates, in partnership with Norwood Council on Aging - "A Personal Conversation in Mrs. Washington's Bedchamber".
Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, NY: Washington's Birthday Celebration. Visit with the Washingtons, as they inhabit Headquarters. Celebrate with birthday cake each day at noon in the museum.
Seekonk, MA: " Quill & Ink Stories with Mrs. Washington"
Rehabilitation Associates, in partnership with
Sherborn Council on Aging - "A Personal Conversation in Mrs. Washington's Bedchamber".
Old Concord Chapter - NSDAR - "10 Things You May Not Know About Martha" & Informal Visiting
Boston University Evergreen Program - "Duty vs. Inclination"
Link to Register - Make sure you click on Event Number EVS101-055. Full day of seminars is $40. If you want to attend my talk only at 10:45 AM, please email me and I can provide you a complimentary ticket.
Valley Forge National Historical Park: Visit with Martha Washington, as she inhabits Headquarters. Bring your needlework should you wish to work on a project under a tree with her and visit.
Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, NY: Join the General and Mrs. Washington, the General's Aides de Camp, their horses, and many of their troops at Headquarters to launch New York's 250th Celebrations! Experience Washington's War Tent, visiting from the Museum of the American Revolution.
Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, NY: Winter Warm Up. Visit with the Washingtons, as they inhabit Headquarters.
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Personalities, Placement & Plates!
An interactive gathering with hot beverages and sweet treats where you help Mrs. Washington make the guest list, the seating chart, and the menu for an upcoming dinner.
For Ages 8-108!